Namibia Hunting Safari

Nestled in the heart of the Namibian wilderness, Burchell Wolf Safaris is a renowned name in the world of Eland hunting. The rugged beauty of the African landscape, combined with the thrill of the chase, makes for a truly unforgettable experience. However, if you’re looking for more than just Eland hunting, Burchell Wolf Safaris has a lot more to offer. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of additional activities and experiences available beyond the hunt with Burchell Wolf Safaris.  Contact us to learn more about hunting safaris in namibia

The Diversity of Namibian Wildlife 

Namibia is renowned for its rich and diverse wildlife, and Burchell Wolf Safaris takes full advantage of this natural bounty. While Eland hunting is their main draw, they also offer additional activities that allow guests to immerse themselves in the beauty and wonder of Namibia’s flora and fauna. 

Game Drives 

For those who prefer to observe and photograph the wildlife rather than hunt it, Burchell Wolf Safaris offers captivating game drives. Accompanied by experienced guides, guests can venture into the wild and witness a stunning array of animals, including zebras, giraffes, cheetahs, elephants, and many more. These game drives provide excellent opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts to get up close and personal with Namibia’s impressive creatures while learning about their habitats and behaviors. 

Bird Watching 

Namibia is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 700 bird species recorded in the country. Burchell Wolf Safaris arranges bird-watching tours that take visitors to various birding hotspots. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or just someone who enjoys the sight and sounds of feathered friends, you’ll be thrilled by the chance to spot flamingos, vultures, eagles, and a multitude of other avian species in their natural habitats. 

Cultural Experiences 

Namibia is not only about its breathtaking landscapes and wildlife; it is also home to diverse cultures and communities. Burchell Wolf Safaris offers cultural experiences that allow guests to engage with the local people and learn about their customs, traditions, and way of life. This can include visits to traditional villages, participating in local ceremonies, and enjoying traditional cuisine. These interactions provide a deeper understanding of the rich cultural tapestry of Namibia. 

Hiking and Nature Walks 

For those who want to experience the raw beauty of Namibia’s wilderness on foot, Burchell Wolf Safaris organizes hiking and nature walks. These activities take you on journeys through the vast landscapes, offering opportunities to explore the flora and fauna up close while basking in the tranquility and solitude of the African wilderness. 


Namibia is famous for its pristine night skies, making it an ideal location for stargazing. With minimal light pollution, guests at Burchell Wolf Safaris can indulge in a celestial adventure, observing constellations, planets, and shooting stars with the naked eye. The experience is both humbling and awe-inspiring, and it’s the perfect way to conclude a day of adventure in the African wilderness. 


While Eland hunting remains the primary attraction at Burchell Wolf Safaris, the additional activities and experiences offered make this safari company a versatile destination for those seeking more than just the thrill of the hunt. From game drives to cultural immersions, from birdwatching to stargazing, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Burchell Wolf Safaris provides the opportunity to connect with the natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of Namibia, ensuring that your visit is a holistic and unforgettable adventure. So, whether you’re an avid hunter or a wildlife enthusiast, Burchell Wolf Safaris has something special in store for you beyond the hunt.