Namibia Hunting Safari

Namibia, with its breathtaking landscapes and abundant wildlife, is a prime destination for hunting enthusiasts. One of the most sought-after game animals in this beautiful country is the Eland, a giant among antelope species. Eland hunting in the Namibian wilderness is a thrilling experience, and to ensure a successful hunt, you need to be well-prepared and informed. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights on how to make your Eland hunting expedition with Burchell Wolf Safaris a memorable and fruitful one.  Contact us to learn more about hunting safaris in namibia

Understanding the Eland 

Before embarking on an Eland hunt, it’s essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of your quarry. The Eland, scientifically known as Taurotragus oryx, is the world’s largest antelope species. It is known for its impressive size, with mature bulls weighing up to 2,000 pounds and standing at around 6 feet tall at the shoulder. These herbivores are characterized by their large, spiral horns and distinctive dewlap, or “skin flap,” which hangs from their neck. Elands are known for their remarkable endurance and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. 

Planning Your Hunt 

Choose the Right Time: Namibia offers year-round hunting opportunities, but the best time for Eland hunting is during the dry winter months, from May to August. During this period, the animals are more concentrated around water sources, making them easier to locate. 

Select a Reputable Outfitter: Selecting a reputable outfitter is crucial for a successful Eland hunt. Burchell Wolf Safaris, located in Outjo, Namibia, is a well-regarded outfitter that offers guided Eland hunts. Their experienced guides, extensive knowledge of the terrain, and commitment to ethical hunting practices make them an excellent choice for your expedition. 

Obtain the Required Permits: Hunting in Namibia requires permits and licenses, which can be obtained through your outfitter or the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Ensure you have all the necessary documentation in order to hunt legally and responsibly. 

Gear and Equipment 

Firearms and Ammunition: A high-powered rifle suitable for long-range shooting is recommended for Eland hunting. Popular calibers for this purpose include the .300 Win Mag and the .375 H&H. Ensure your rifle is properly sighted in, and bring enough ammunition. 

Optics: Quality optics, such as binoculars and a spotting scope, are essential for spotting Eland from a distance. The terrain in Namibia can be rugged, so having the right optics can make a significant difference in your hunt’s success. 

Camouflage Clothing: Invest in appropriate camouflage clothing that blends in with the Namibian wilderness. Neutral earth tones are recommended, as Eland has keen eyesight and is sensitive to movement. 

Footwear: Comfortable and durable boots are a must, as you’ll be covering various types of terrain during your hunt. Ensure your footwear is suitable for both stalking and trekking. 

Hunting Techniques 

Spot and Stalk: Eland is typically found in open grasslands and savannas, making the spot-and-stalk method a popular choice for hunting them. Use your binoculars and spotting scope to locate Eland herds from a distance, and then plan your approach carefully, using natural cover to get as close as possible before taking your shot. 

Patience is Key: Eland is known for their caution and wariness. It’s essential to exercise patience and wait for the right moment to take your shot. Rushing a shot may result in a missed opportunity or an ineffective shot. 

Shot Placement: Aim for the vital organs, specifically the heart and lungs. A well-placed shot will ensure a quick and humane kill. Take your time to line up the perfect shot, and only take it when you are confident of a clean kill. 

Conservation and Ethical Hunting 

Respect Trophy Selection: Trophy selection should always be guided by ethical principles and conservation. Aim for mature animals and respect quotas and regulations set by local authorities to ensure the sustainability of Eland populations. 

Leave No Trace: Namibia’s wilderness is a fragile ecosystem. Always practice ethical hunting by leaving no trace behind, and disposing of waste properly. Follow your outfitter’s guidelines on field dressing and processing your game. 


Eland hunting in the Namibian wilderness offers a unique and thrilling experience for hunters. By following these tips and guidelines, you can increase your chances of a successful and responsible hunt. Remember to choose a reputable outfitter like Burchell Wolf Safaris, who will ensure your hunt is not only successful but also in line with ethical hunting practices and conservation efforts. With patience, preparation, and respect for nature, you can make your Eland hunt in Namibia a memorable and fulfilling adventure while contributing to the preservation of these magnificent creatures and their natural habitat.