Bird Hunting in Namibia – Wing Shooting

Namibia is a country known for its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes, making it a paradise for hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike. One of the most intriguing and challenging animals to hunt in this region is the Damara Dik Dik, a small antelope species native to Namibia’s unique habitat. If you’re planning a Damara Dik Dik hunt, it’s essential to be well-prepared and informed to increase your chances of success. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you have a successful Damara Dik Dik hunting experience in Namibia’s breathtaking wilderness. Contact us to learn more about

Choose the Right Hunting Outfitter 

A successful Damara Dik Dik hunt in Namibia begins with selecting the right hunting outfitter. Burchell Wolf Safaris, operating out of Outjo, Namibia, is one such reputable outfitter. Their website,, provides a wealth of information about their services, as well as contact details and testimonials from satisfied clients. They can help you plan your hunting trip and ensure that you have all the necessary permits and licenses. 

Understand the Damara Dik Dik 

Before embarking on a Damara Dik Dik hunt, it’s crucial to understand your quarry. Damara Dik Diks are small antelope that weigh between 3-6 kg and stand at just 30-35 cm at the shoulder. They are known for their exceptional ability to adapt to arid environments and their cautious, elusive behavior. These creatures are typically monogamous and are often found in pairs or family groups. Damara Dik Diks primarily feed on leaves, shoots, and fruits, which means you’ll often find them in areas with abundant vegetation. 

Prepare Your Gear 

For a successful Damara Dik Dik hunt, you’ll need the right gear. Your choice of rifle should be well-suited for small game, and it’s essential to practice your marksmanship skills before heading out. Additionally, comfortable and camouflaged clothing is crucial to blend into the Namibian landscape. You’ll also want high-quality binoculars for spotting Dik Diks from a distance. 

Plan Your Hunting Season 

Namibia’s climate varies throughout the year, and the Damara Dik Dik’s behavior is influenced by these changes. The best time for a Damara Dik Dik hunt is during the dry season, from April to September. During this period, vegetation is sparse, making it easier to spot these small antelopes. However, the dry season can be quite hot during the day, so be prepared for scorching temperatures. 

Scout Your Hunting Area 

Namibia’s unique habitat consists of diverse terrains, including savannahs, grasslands, and rocky hillsides. To have a successful Damara Dik Dik hunt, you’ll need to scout the hunting area beforehand. The website of your chosen outfitter can provide information about the specific regions where Dik Diks are commonly found. Make sure to acquaint yourself with the terrain, water sources, and potential hideouts of these elusive creatures. 

Patience is Key 

Hunting Damara Dik Diks can be a test of patience. These small antelopes are incredibly alert and will often freeze when they sense danger, making them challenging to spot. Once you’ve located a pair or a family group, it’s essential to remain still and patient until you have a clear shot. Rushing the process can result in a missed opportunity. 

Ethical and Sustainable Hunting 

When hunting in Namibia, it’s essential to follow ethical and sustainable hunting practices. Make sure to adhere to the country’s hunting regulations and guidelines to help conserve the natural balance of the ecosystem. Responsible hunters not only ensure the future of the species but also contribute to local conservation efforts. 

Respect the Environment 

Namibia’s unique habitat is home to a wide variety of wildlife, and it’s crucial to show respect for the environment and its inhabitants. Avoid littering, and always follow Leave No Trace principles during your hunt. Remember that you are a guest in the Dik Diks‘ home, and your actions should reflect your appreciation for the wilderness. 

Post-Hunt Processing 

After a successful Damara Dik Dik hunt, you’ll need to process the game. This often involves field dressing the animal, ensuring that the meat is properly handled and preserved. Your chosen outfitter can guide you through this process, and it’s essential to follow their instructions to maintain the quality of the meat. 


A Damara Dik Dik hunt in Namibia’s unique habitat is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. By selecting the right hunting outfitter, understanding the habits of these small antelopes, and being well-prepared, you can increase your chances of a successful hunt. Remember to respect the environment and follow ethical hunting practices, ensuring the sustainability of this incredible ecosystem. With the right knowledge and preparation, your Damara Dik Dik hunting adventure in Namibia can be both exhilarating and rewarding. Good luck, and may your hunt be a memorable one.