Namibia Hunting Safari

Burchell Wolf Safaris, located in the picturesque landscapes of Namibia, offers a thrilling and unforgettable hunting experience for those seeking to explore the wild and embark on a hunting adventure. Nestled in the heart of the African wilderness, this safari destination provides the opportunity to hunt some of the most magnificent predators in their natural habitat. In this article, we’ll explore the hunt predators that you can encounter at Burchell Wolf Safaris and what makes this destination a top choice for discerning hunters. Contact us to learn more about Namibia hunting safaris

The Burchell Wolf Safaris Experience 

Before delving into the huntable predators, it’s essential to understand what sets Burchell Wolf Safaris apart. With its website, phone, and address readily available, they have established a transparent and reliable means of communication for potential hunters. The Burchell Wolf Safaris team prides itself on offering a unique blend of conservation, sustainable hunting practices, and an authentic African experience. Their commitment to ethical hunting and preservation of the natural environment is evident in every aspect of the safari. 

Huntable Predators 

Leopard (Panthera pardus) 

Leopards are elusive and majestic predators that roam the savannas and woodlands of Namibia. These big cats are known for their striking coats and exceptional adaptability. Burchell Wolf Safaris offers an exclusive hunting experience for those looking to track and hunt leopards in their natural habitat. However, it’s essential to mention that leopard hunting is highly regulated and strictly controlled in Namibia to ensure the species’ survival. Burchell Wolf Safaris adheres to these regulations and actively contributes to the conservation of leopards in the region. 

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) 

The cheetah is the fastest land animal on the planet, known for its incredible speed and graceful appearance. At Burchell Wolf Safaris, hunters have the chance to pursue cheetahs in their natural environment. While hunting cheetahs is legal in Namibia, it’s essential to recognize the country’s efforts to conserve these vulnerable big cats. Burchell Wolf Safaris takes conservation seriously, ensuring that hunting practices are sustainable and contribute to the preservation of the cheetah population. 

Brown Hyena (Hyaena brunnea) 

The brown hyena is a unique and fascinating predator native to southern Africa. These solitary scavengers are less well-known than their spotted cousins but are just as intriguing to encounter on a hunt. Burchell Wolf Safaris provides opportunities to hunt brown hyenas, contributing to their conservation while allowing hunters to experience the thrill of tracking and encountering this enigmatic species. 

African Wildcat (Felis lybica) 

The African wildcat is a smaller feline species found throughout the African continent. It resembles a domestic cat but retains its wild instincts and survival skills. Burchell Wolf Safaris offers hunters the chance to pursue African wildcats in a controlled and ethical manner, providing a unique hunting experience while contributing to the preservation of this species. 

Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) 

The spotted hyena is one of Africa’s most iconic predators and is known for its cunning and tenacity. Burchell Wolf Safaris offers hunting opportunities for these formidable carnivores, allowing hunters to experience the thrill of tracking and engaging with this remarkable species. Just like with other predators, the safaris adhere to strict regulations to ensure the continued existence of these animals. 

Conservation and Ethical Hunting 

Burchell Wolf Safaris is deeply committed to conservation and ethical hunting practices. While hunting predators may seem counterintuitive to conservation efforts, it’s important to note that well-managed hunting can play a crucial role in preserving natural ecosystems and protecting vulnerable species. 

The safaris at Burchell Wolf Safaris are designed to ensure sustainability and adhere to the principles of fair chase. This means that hunters must follow a code of conduct that promotes a fair and ethical hunting experience, respecting the animals and their natural behavior. 

Moreover, a portion of the proceeds from each hunt is reinvested in conservation efforts and local communities. This model provides financial incentives for conservation while supporting the livelihoods of those who share the land with these predators. 


Burchell Wolf Safaris offers a unique and responsible hunting experience in the breathtaking landscapes of Namibia. With the chance to hunt some of Africa’s most iconic predators, this safari destination provides an unparalleled adventure for hunters seeking an authentic African experience. 

The safaris are not just about hunting but also about contributing to the conservation of these remarkable species and supporting local communities. Burchell Wolf Safaris is a shining example of how ethical hunting practices can play a crucial role in preserving Africa’s natural heritage while ensuring that future generations can continue to admire the beauty and majesty of its wildlife. If you’re a hunter with a passion for wildlife and conservation, Burchell Wolf Safaris might just be the perfect destination for your next adventure.