Namibia Hunting Safari

In the heart of Africa lies the breathtaking country of Namibia, a land of diverse landscapes, abundant wildlife, and unique opportunities for hunting safaris. Among the many species that attract hunters from around the world, the Damara Dik Dik stands out as one of the most intriguing. This diminutive antelope, known for its elusive nature and captivating appearance, offers a special challenge for those seeking a distinctive hunting experience. In this article, we will explore the availability of Damara Dik Dik hunting with Burchell Wolf Safaris in Namibia and the allure of this unique pursuit. Contact us to learn more about namibia safari.

About Burchell Wolf Safaris 

Burchell Wolf Safaris, based in Outjo, Namibia, is a renowned outfitting company specializing in offering exceptional hunting experiences in the African wilderness. With a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to conservation, Burchell Wolf Safaris has earned a solid reputation in the hunting community. Their dedication to sustainable hunting practices and ethical hunting principles makes them a preferred choice for hunters who value both adventure and wildlife preservation. 

Damara Dik Dik: The Elusive Antelope 

The Damara Dik Dik (Madoqua kirkii) is a small antelope species native to the arid regions of southern Africa, primarily found in Namibia and Angola. What makes the Damara Dik Dik particularly fascinating for hunters is its petite size, standing at only about 13-16 inches at the shoulder and weighing around 6-13 pounds. It has a distinctive appearance, with a reddish-brown coat, large, dark eyes, and a tiny face adorned with white markings. These remarkable physical characteristics, combined with their secretive behavior, make Damara Dik Dik hunting a captivating challenge. 

Hunting the Damara Dik Dik 

Hunting the Damara Dik Dik is a unique experience that requires patience, precision, and knowledge of the antelope’s habits. These small creatures are known for their reclusive nature, which can make spotting and getting within range of them a real test of a hunter’s skill. 

Burchell Wolf Safaris offers specialized Damara Dik Dik hunting packages for enthusiasts looking to undertake this extraordinary pursuit. The company’s professional guides are intimately familiar with the terrain and habits of these antelope, ensuring that hunters have the best chance of a successful and ethical hunt. It’s essential to remember that Burchell Wolf Safaris places a strong emphasis on sustainable hunting, respecting local laws and regulations, and focusing on preserving the delicate balance of the ecosystem. 

The thrill of Damara Dik Dik’s hunting lies in the challenge it presents. These small antelopes are masters of camouflage and tend to hide in the rocky outcrops and shrubby vegetation of Namibia’s arid landscapes. Stalking these creatures through their natural habitat requires a combination of stealth, patience, and sharp shooting skills. It’s a rewarding experience for those who appreciate the intricacies of hunting and the thrill of the chase. 

Conservation and Sustainability 

Burchell Wolf Safaris is committed to ethical hunting practices and responsible conservation. Damara Dik Dik hunting is carried out in a sustainable manner, with a strong emphasis on maintaining the health and stability of the local ecosystem. The company adheres to all local and international hunting regulations to ensure the long-term survival of this remarkable antelope species. 

Furthermore, hunters who choose Burchell Wolf Safaris for their Damara Dik Dik adventure also contribute to the local economy and the preservation of wildlife habitats. Sustainable hunting helps fund conservation efforts, supports local communities, and contributes to the protection of the fragile ecosystems in Namibia. 

The Thrill of a Damara Dik Dik Hunt 

For hunters seeking a distinctive challenge and a unique trophy, Damara Dik Dik’s hunting with Burchell Wolf Safaris in Namibia offers an adventure like no other. It’s not just about the hunt; it’s about connecting with nature, experiencing the beauty of Namibia, and testing your hunting skills against one of the most elusive and captivating creatures in the African wilderness. 

When you embark on a Damara Dik Dik hunt with Burchell Wolf Safaris, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes of Namibia. From the desolate deserts to the rugged mountains, the country offers a diverse range of environments for your hunting adventure. The pursuit of the Damara Dik Dik will take you on a journey through these unique landscapes, providing an unforgettable experience. 


In the heart of Namibia, Burchell Wolf Safaris offers an exceptional hunting opportunity for those who seek the challenge of Damara Dik Dik hunting. This elusive and captivating antelope species, known for its diminutive size and reclusive nature, provides a unique challenge for hunters. Burchell Wolf Safaris’ commitment to ethical hunting practices and sustainable conservation makes them a top choice for those seeking a hunting adventure that not only tests their skills but also contributes to the preservation of Africa’s natural beauty.