Namibia Hunting Safari

Namibia, with its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife, is a paradise for hunters. While many enthusiasts flock to this African gem for big game hunting, bird hunting in Namibia is equally enticing. The country boasts a rich avian population, providing ample opportunities for avid bird hunters to pursue their passion. In this article, we’ll explore the top-quality trophies for bird hunting in Namibia, the best locations to find them, and some essential tips for an unforgettable hunting experience. Contact us to learn more about Namibia hunting safaris

Namibia’s Unique Appeal for Bird Hunting 

Namibia’s diverse ecosystems and natural beauty make it an exceptional destination for bird hunting. The country’s varied landscapes include arid deserts, lush savannas, and wetlands, all of which provide unique habitats for a wide range of bird species. Whether you are an experienced hunter or a novice looking to explore the world of bird hunting, Namibia has something to offer everyone. 

Top Bird Species to Hunt in Namibia 

Sandgrouse: Sandgrouse are highly sought-after trophies for bird hunters in Namibia. These birds inhabit the arid regions and are known for their impressive flying skills. They are a challenge to hunt, making the experience even more rewarding. 

Guineafowl: Helmeted guineafowl and crested guineafowl are common game birds in Namibia. Their distinctive appearances and unique calls make them fascinating targets for bird hunters. 

Francolin: Francolins are widely distributed across Namibia, making them a favorite among hunters. These birds are known for their delicious meat and challenging flight patterns. 

Dove: The Cape turtle dove and laughing dove are plentiful in Namibia, offering a great opportunity for bird hunters to hone their skills. Doves are also known for their quick, agile flights. 

Waterfowl: Namibia’s wetlands, rivers, and dams provide ideal habitats for waterfowl such as Egyptian geese, yellow-billed ducks, and spur-winged geese. These birds offer fantastic hunting experiences. 

Best Locations for Bird Hunting in Namibia 


One of the prime bird hunting destinations in Namibia is Outjo, where Burchell Wolf Safaris is based. Situated in the heart of Namibia, Outjo offers a fantastic combination of diverse bird species and picturesque landscapes. This region is famous for its sandgrouse, guineafowl, francolin, and various dove species. 

Burchell Wolf Safaris, with its extensive experience in organizing hunting expeditions, is your go-to choice when hunting in Outjo. Their website provides detailed information about the services they offer. You can also contact them at (844) 299-3272, or visit their address at P.O. Box 7, Outjo, Namibia 21005 for inquiries and bookings. 

Caprivi Strip 

The Caprivi Strip in northeastern Namibia is another remarkable hunting destination. It is renowned for its lush vegetation and abundant water sources, which attract numerous waterfowl species, including Egyptian geese, yellow-billed ducks, and spur-winged geese. The Caprivi Strip offers a unique bird hunting experience, with opportunities to explore both the savannah and wetland habitats. 

Etosha National Park 

Etosha National Park, one of Namibia’s premier wildlife destinations, is also a fantastic spot for bird hunting. While hunting is not permitted within the park, the surrounding areas, such as the Onguma Game Reserve, provide excellent opportunities for bird enthusiasts. Etosha is known for its diverse bird species, including vultures, eagles, and various waterfowl. 

Tips for a Memorable Bird Hunting Experience in Namibia 

Plan Ahead: Before embarking on a bird hunting expedition in Namibia, ensure that you have all the necessary permits and documentation. Familiarize yourself with local hunting regulations to avoid any legal complications. 

Timing Is Crucial: The best time for bird hunting in Namibia is during the dry season, from May to September. During this period, birds are more concentrated around water sources, making it easier to find and hunt them. 

opt for a Professional Outfitter: To make the most of your bird hunting experience, consider hiring a reputable outfitter like Burchell Wolf Safaris. They can provide guidance, transportation, and accommodations, ensuring a safe and comfortable trip. 

Gear Up Properly: Bring the right hunting gear, including appropriate firearms, ammunition, camouflage clothing, and accessories like binoculars and range finders. This will enhance your hunting skills and overall experience. 

Respect the Environment: While enjoying your bird hunting adventure, remember to respect the environment and local customs. Dispose of waste responsibly and leave no trace of your presence. 


Namibia’s unique landscapes and diverse bird populations make it a top destination for bird hunting enthusiasts. From sandgrouse to waterfowl, the country offers a variety of avian species to target. When considering a bird hunting expedition in Namibia, Outjo, with its abundance of game birds and the services provided by Burchell Wolf Safaris, is an excellent starting point. By planning carefully, timing your trip right, and respecting the environment, you can ensure a memorable and sustainable bird hunting experience in this beautiful African nation. Happy hunting!