Namibia Hunting Safari

Africa is a truly enormous and varied continent. Consequently, the hunting possibilities differ from place to place on the continent and are just as diverse as it. There is, sadly, no “one size fits all” solution for hunting there because of this.

Namibia is a small country in southwestern Africa that is slightly larger than Texas. Namibia’s southern border runs along with South Africa, and Botswana and Angola define its eastern and northern boundaries. Namibia’s official language is English. Contact us to learn more about hunting namibia.

Namibia’s Climate And Geography

Hunting in Namibia season extends from February through November, with May to August being the busiest months. Fortunately, Namibia’s winters are usually mild; in July, when temperatures are usually between 45-75 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny, it is ideal for hunting.

I traveled through dense brush and trees in northern Namibia with numerous gaps big enough to observe for several hundred yards. It’s possible to approach the game in these places, allowing me to take shots at anything from 10 to 350 yards away. The Acacia is a very common tree in Namibia, and it is exceptionally fierce. When designing your wardrobe, keep this in mind and choose durable clothing; these plants have shredded many hunters’ clothing. 

Trophy Hunting in Namibia

Namibia Hunting Safaris was a well-kept secret in the American hunting community when I visited there in 2006, but it was becoming increasingly popular as a hunting destination among Europeans. Since then, Namibia has grown in popularity as a hunting destination due to its wide range of games at low prices.

On the other hand, Namibia is not yet as well-known or popular as Tanzania or South Africa, which is a positive thing for hunters seeking an inexpensive hunt. Finally, Namibian hunting concessions are rather few that are fenced, which is beneficial to free-range hunters.

Namibia is also one of the few locations in the world where you may hunt all five of the Big 5. In addition, there are huntable populations of Cape buffalo, leopard, lion, elephant, and black rhinoceros. Most of the dangerous game hunting is done in the Caprivi Strip, a thin strip of land extending east from the Okavango Region for almost 300 miles. Namibia, unfortunately, isn’t the greatest place to go elephant or cape buffalo hunting due to the limited number of tags available each year.

Namibia is a beautiful country that I would love to return to. However, because there are so many animals available in the plains game areas, Namibia is simply not worth visiting if you’re looking for an accessible Safari. Furthermore, due to the high quality of the trophies, I can’t recommend Namibia highly enough for hunting plains game, especially as a first Safari.

However, suppose you seek to hunt dangerous game other than the leopard. In that case, I recommend that you look elsewhere due to the limited number of buffalo, lions, and elephants killed each year in Caprivi. Namibia is not a powerhouse for dangerous game hunting like Zimbabwe or Tanzania, despite the fact that many hunters can successfully hunt hazardous species there.