Namibia has an enigmatic allure that is difficult to explain. It appears formidable to the eye: vast, desolate regions blasted by the sun and parched valleys, as a result of which there has been no rain. Yet, Namibia’s greatest treasures are found within this incredibly stunning area that will fascinate and enchant you. Namibia is one of the world’s most sparsely populated countries, and it embraces real conservation at its core. You won’t return home unaffected. Contact us to learn more about

Namibia is a land of exciting encounters. First, visit Namib, Africa’s largest desert and its name translates as “large place.” Then, climb up a sand dune taller than anything else on Earth. The sun emerges over a distant sand dune, and the landscape gradually changes color, from grey to yellow to furious orange, before finally turning a deep burnt red. Allow the burning grains of sand to trickle through your fingers, and enjoy the stunning view of the world’s tallest sand dunes, undulating and changing shape around you.

Take a look at the many fascinating animals that call the Mojave Desert their home. Watch how insects collect moisture on their backs or see how smaller desert elephants have weaker legs from going further for food and water. Of course, Namibia is not as densely populated with the game as Botswana and South Africa. Still, the Damaraland region and Etosha National Park, which has lush vegetation pockets, provide once-in-a-lifetime chances to track desert-adapted black and white rhinos on the salty pan and see zebra and giraffes.

You may discover more about the native people who live in this area in the north. You can learn more about their ancient way of life, including clothes made from calfskin, the ochre paste used to protect skin from the harsh sun, and the intricately handcrafted jewelry they create, with a sensitive introduction to the semi-nomadic Himba people.

The desert landscape gradually merges into the Atlantic Ocean as it approaches Namibia’s coast, on the eerily beautiful Skeleton Coast, where there are so many bones of sailors, explorers, and whales that they strew along this stretch of shoreline. Today, you’ll encounter the stark remains of 18th-century shipwrecks in this foggy area, where hot desert winds meet calm Atlantic waters and currents churn the sea. Look for colonies of seals on the beaches, and farther into the park, oryx, springbok, and flamingos may be seen.

As you explore, the quiet beauty of the sparse terrain and peaceful intervals of reflection begin to come naturally. The emptiness around you becomes pleasing, and like the creatures of Namibia, you’ll get used to it, realizing that solitude brings a sense of calmness. That’s the real appeal of Namibia.