Bird Hunting in Namibia – Wing Shooting

Embarking on a driving safari through the heart of Namibia is a journey like no other. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in the untamed wilderness, witness astonishing landscapes, and encounter remarkable wildlife. If you’re considering a driving safari in Namibia, you might be curious about what a typical day on such an adventure is like. In this article, we’ll take you through the daily routine and experiences you can expect on a driving safari in Namibia, with insights from Burchell Wolf Safaris, a leading safari operator in the region. Contact us to learn more about Burchell-Wolf Safaris

Starting the Day with Sunrise 

A driving safari in Namibia often begins early in the morning when the African sun paints the sky with shades of orange and pink. The daybreak is a magical time to witness nature’s awakening. Guests usually gather at a designated meeting point, and a professional guide from Burchell Wolf Safaris will provide an overview of the day’s plan. 

As the safari vehicle sets off, the cool morning air provides a refreshing start to your day. This is also the prime time for wildlife sightings, as many animals are active during the cooler hours of the morning. 

Game Drives and Wildlife Encounters 

Game drives are the heart of any driving safari. They allow you to venture into the heart of the wilderness, following the tracks and signs of the creatures that inhabit these landscapes. Burchell Wolf Safaris’ expert guides have an intimate knowledge of the terrain, which increases the chances of encountering wildlife. 

The excitement of spotting animals in their natural habitat is unparalleled. You may come across lions on a hunt, elephants by a watering hole, or giraffes gracefully foraging on acacia trees. It’s not just about the “Big Five,” but also about the smaller, equally fascinating creatures that are often overlooked. 

Guided by the sounds, movements, and experience of your guide, you’ll have the opportunity to capture breathtaking photos and memories of these extraordinary moments. 

Bush Breakfasts and Picnics 

Mid-morning on a driving safari in Namibia often means a pause for a delightful bush breakfast or picnic. Burchell Wolf Safaris ensures that you’re well-fed and energized for the rest of the day’s adventures. These meals are usually set up in picturesque spots in the wilderness, providing an opportunity to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature while savoring delicious food. 

Lunch in the Wild 

Lunchtime offers another opportunity for a delightful break in your safari day. Depending on the day’s itinerary, you may return to your accommodation or have a packed lunch in the field. Either way, you can relish a sumptuous meal while sharing stories and experiences with fellow travelers and guides. 

Exploring Unique Landscapes 

Namibia’s diverse landscapes are one of its most defining features. You’ll have the chance to explore various regions, from the towering dunes of the Namib Desert to the rugged mountains of Damaraland and the salt pans of Etosha National Park. The landscapes are not just stunning but also ever-changing, with shifting light and colors throughout the day. 

Cultural Encounters 

While wildlife is a primary focus of a driving safari, it’s also an opportunity to engage with the local culture and communities. Burchell Wolf Safaris often includes visits to indigenous villages, where you can learn about traditional customs, art, and daily life. These interactions provide valuable insights into the rich heritage of Namibia’s people. 

Sunset in the Wilderness 

As the day begins to wane, the sunset on a driving safari is a spectacle in itself. The African sun paints the sky with vivid hues, casting a warm and golden glow over the landscape. Your guide may choose a scenic spot for a sundowner, where you can enjoy a refreshing beverage while soaking in the beauty of the setting sun. 

Night Drives and Stargazing 

Some driving safaris offer the unique opportunity to explore the wilderness after dark. Night drives are a chance to encounter nocturnal creatures such as leopards, hyenas, and aardvarks. Furthermore, the clear Namibian skies make stargazing a breathtaking experience. You can marvel at the Milky Way and countless stars while listening to the sounds of the night. 


A typical day on a driving safari in Namibia is a blend of adventure, discovery, and appreciation of the natural world. It’s a chance to witness the wonders of wildlife, explore diverse landscapes, and immerse yourself in local culture. Burchell Wolf Safaris, with its expertise and commitment to responsible tourism, ensures that your safari experience is not only unforgettable but also sustainable. If you’re ready to embark on this extraordinary journey, visit their website or contact them at (844) 299-3272. Namibia’s wild beauty awaits you, and a driving safari is the perfect way to experience it.