Namibia Hunting Safari

Namibia has some of the greatest bowhunting opportunities on the planet due to its ideal climate, varied terrain, and plentiful plains game trophies. The Kalahari Bushmen of Namibia hunted their meals with poisoned arrows, and the country has a long history of bowhunting by indigenous peoples. Contact us to learn more about hunting namibia.

The Namibian government legalized big game hunting in 1997, making it official. Namibia is recognized for having strong conservationist regulations. Rules have been established by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) to protect and promote hunting in Namibia.

Namibia’s big five animals are strictly limited in terms of the terrain and climate in which they may be hunted. Therefore, only “special” game farms and areas and particular circumstances are registered with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism for this purpose.

A Master Hunting Guide or Professional Hunter with appropriate accreditation must accompany trophy hunters to Namibia.

No one may hunt game or other wild animals without the permission of the Cabinet from half an hour after sunset on one day to half an hour before sunrise on the next unless it is for research or educational purposes.

It is against the rules to shoot from a moving vehicle, and it’s unethical to hunt any animal unless it has an equal opportunity to run away.

Namibia offers a wide range of plains game animals that may be hunted with a bow, including Oryx Kudu Red Hartebeest Eland Blue/Black Wildebeest Waterbuck Springbok Warthogs Blesbuck Impala Caracal Jackal African Wildcat.

Bows and arrows are not permitted in Namibia.

Bows for bow hunting do not need a permit in Namibia. Crossbows, on the other hand, are bidden.

In Namibia, what is the minimal energy required for bow hunting?

Small Game Arrows (350-grain arrow recommended) 25 ft/lb (350-grain arrow recommended)

The most common types are the African Wildcat, Caracal, Jackal, Dik-Dik, Steenbuck, Duiker, Springbuck, and huntable wildfowl.

Baboon, Warthog, Blesbuck, and Impala are the animals that you will find in this category.

65 ft/lb (450-grain arrow suggested) Oryx, Kudu, Eland, Blue/Black Wildebeest, Giraffe, Waterbuck, and Zebra are among the most common large games.

Namibia’s best season for Bow Hunting

The best time to bow hunt in Namibia is between April and November, just after the rainy season. The Namibian hunting season starts on the 1st of February and ends on the 30th of November.

Early in the morning, temperatures will be around 2° C (35° F), but they will rise to 25° C (77° F) by mid-afternoon. Temperatures can reach as high as 39° C (102 °F) from September to November. It can be quite chilly in the early mornings on the way to hunting terrain or at night while returning, so bring cover-alls or warm clothing. It warms up rapidly in the mornings, so don’t overdress. Gloves are also recommended for cold winter mornings.

Namibia has seen a tremendous increase in international visitors in recent years and for a good cause. Its vast open steppes, spectacular dunes, magnificent lodges, and viewing of wild animals attract people worldwide to visit its harsh majesty despite being still unspoiled and not yet thronged by the modest owner.

Do you long for a perfect view, sleeping beneath the black sky while watching shooting stars, or waking up to the sight of a giraffe meandering from an Acacia tree to the waterhole? Namibia offers some magnificent lodges in remote and untouched areas. A defining feature of many of them is how intimate they are, often having only 8 – 12 rooms or thatched roof chalets. This exclusive experience means you need to book early to avoid disappointment.